
The foundation of Jiří Vaněk s.r.o. dates back to 1989 when Mr. Jiří Vaněk started his own production in a bicycle storage room of an apartment house. Thanks to this experience, he was one of the first to establish a functioning company with 6 employees just a few months after the revolution.

Thanks to Jiří Vaňek’s hard work and business talent, the company gradually grew and he was able to start investing in new technologies. In 1995, he purchased the first CNC machine TRAUMATIC L. More investments followed and Jiří Vaněk soon had a technological lead in the region, enabling further development.

In addition to purchasing state-of-the-art technologies, the gradual takeover of the entire facility of the former Jeremenko mine, which housed over twenty companies in the 1990s, was strategically important. The expansion of the company enabled the use of all the buildings in the facility, some of which still remember the times of the founders of Vitkovice, the Rothschild family, and some being listed as protected monuments. They started to build new halls suitable for modern production, whereas the fourth one was completed in 2022. It will house a modern central welding plant.

Currently, the company has over 300 employees, a production area with the size of 5 hectares and an ambition for further growth. The company strives to be more than just a technology company supplying its semi-finished products to the business partners, but a manufacturing company with its own products with high added value. And one of them is VATOR – a two-wheeled multifunctional pedestrian-controlled tractor with its unique gear shifting and innovative design, with which the company penetrated to foreign markets.

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